segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012

Tokyo Street Sleepers

Olá, vi imensos videos no youtube sobre Tokyo e uma coisa me chamou muita atenção, a quantidade de pessoas dormindo na rua, tipo um cochilo básico! Como tudo no Japão é surreal

Shinjuku: "Because a picture is all you are to me" 

Shinjuku: "He took all of my sins and wrote a pocket novel"

Shibuya: "I gave myself to sin"

Ikejiri Ohashi: "I should probably feel cheap, but I just feel free and a little bit empty."

Ikejiri Ohashi: "I'm tired of listening to myself now"

Ikejiri Ohashi: "It's bound to be less boring than today"

Ikejiri Ohashi: "Like an angel from a bedtime story"

Unknown train line, somewhere in Tokyo: "None of this will matter"

Sangenjaya: "On the day my habits catch up with me"

Shibuya: "Under a roof that you know"

Beijos da Alex:)

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